In the likely event that Kibaki replaces the commissioners with PNU friendly ones how could we handle this?


  1. Robert Owuor says:

    Firstly we need to make the public that the commissioners are the referee to the election. Why it is important that all interested parties should be represented in the ECK.

    We should also remind people aware that when the president was in the opposition he negotiated the IPPG agreement which had agree that all parties in the election will help in the selection of commission. What he is doing is reneging in another agreement with the people.

    This should just show the public that he cannot be trusted. All the more reasons that the power in this office should be devolved and shared with the people and parliament.

  2. Leonard says:

    How would we know that the new commissioners are PNU friendly?
    Any new commissioners will certainly be assumed to be PNU friendly.
    And in the event that they do appoint PNU friendly commissioners, then the best thing to do is just keep a vigil at all polling stations to make sure the counting is done fairly and accurately and the results announced promptly and honestly.

  3. Maru Kapkatet says:

    Could somebody publish the full list of ECK commissioners and their contact so that Kenyans can write to each one of them to remind them of their oath of office.

    An open letter could also be published in the print media along with appeals on radio and television to each of the ECK commissioners reminding them that their role is not to choose for Kenyans but to facilitate for Kenyans to make their choices.

    The Kenya of the 1988, where election rigging was carried out extensively and openly is not the Kenya we have today and the ECK commissioners must remember that any attempts to cheat Kenyans out of their choice would lead to destruction of Kenya.

    ODM and and indeed all Kenyans who value their country will never accept election rigging in any form, shape, or size.

  4. Baijo M.Lorowu says:

    As ODM supporters who are yearning for a true change in our beloved country, let’s go out and campaign to get majority people to vote for ODM, Raila, ODM candidates both parliamentary and civic candidates. Let all true ODM supporters come up with simpe ODM campaign messages taht will resonate well with the masses – the people who will vote us into power. The messages should be simple and well packaged for all people – the youth, men, women, poor, rich, marginalised, the sick, etc even in gema regions to absord and understand. We need all votes and surely we shall get them. Besides the ODM campaign pillars – devolution, anti-corruption, equity, maisha bora, etc, ODM leaders, supporters, friends and all should also pitch and stress our campaign on Kibaki regime failures. Let us corner, hammer and put them on their difense all the time. Let us take our campaign machinery to their doorsteps until they get overwhelmed. Let us tell people about their weaknessnes and how PNU/PANU/KANU will fail them again. We should avoid flammatory unnessary caimpagn rhetoric.

    Kibaki and his henchmen/women will not listen to any popular demands. He is a sphinx who does not listen to those who want things to be handled in a popular way despite having benefit from such popular demands himself in 2002. How many time has he been urged to listen to the cries of the people and appoint into his government credible and qualified people from all corners of our country??? His view of the Kenya country starts and ends in Mt. Kenya and gema diaspora. I will not be surprised if the commissioners who will oversees the Dec elections will all be from gema community. Look at OP, KRA, Ministry of Finance, Education and all key sectors and parastatals!!! Kibaki does not care and will not care whatever others say. The only answer is for Kenyans to rise up against his re-election and vote him and his cohorts out of state house.

    Friends, brothers and sisters let us go out, use every means to campaign and win the majority voters to elect ODM party, president, MPs and civic leaders. Let us go out and mobilise all people to come out with their weapons (the genuine electors cards) and vote ODM, Raila and his team. Let us go out and educate all supporters – current and those who have decided and the importance of throwing Kibaki out. His ‘kazi iendelee’ mantra is about marginalising the masses, stealing, maintenaining status quo, arrogance, etc. Vile Moi alifuata nyayo ndivyo Kibaki anataka kazi ya kunyanyasa raia iendelee. We have to stop this poroja na ukabila isiendelee kamwe.

    On the voting day, let us all rise up, go to the polling stations and vote ODM team, sacrifice and remain vigilant at the polling and counting until the votes are tallied and announced. With the majority voters on the ODM’s side, even rigging will not be possible if we do our part well. The ECK may be Kibaki friendly – he will appoint them anyway but they will not match the will of the people and people power if we play our cards well. Kibaki enjoys the state machinery, including the much discredited provincial administration – he has the benefits of incumbency anyway, him and his selfish campaign handlers will do anything to rig and get back to power to continue lording over the majority.

    Let us all rise up and play patriotic part by exercising our will power get them out. Other masses have succeeded in other countries by changing regimes despite skewed electoral process. The Kenyan people are no except to regime change and final liberation.

    The future is Orange. Raila is the only candidate who will take us to the desired and long awaited future. Let us not forget to safeguard our votes – the voters we have won their hearts even as we hunt for more. let us educate the people on OUR PARTY SYMBOL – THE ONE AND ONLY ONE ORANGE, CHUNGWA MOJA – MAISHA BORA. We shall win and win big into the government of the people for the people.

  5. Baijo M.Lorowu says:

    Again let us appeal to and educate all, everyone, the ODM supporters and potentail voters to avoid any unnecessary and uncalled travels during the x-mas periods that will jeopardise their voting exercise. Travelling during this period will only disenfranchise and make them irrelevant in the ODM triumpant dream. Let us not assume that the Central kenya guys will be sympathetic to let us use their transport means to exercise our rights. Those who are working in the cities or away from where they are registered voters should be made to understand they need to travel before Dec 24th to ensure they vote, be vigilant and wait for results before they can travel again. Those who are registered in the cities or where they work should stay in those places till 26th / 27th to vote, be vigilant of any attempts to rig and celebrate. X-mas festivities come every year, genearl elections come once in every 5 years. ODM supports should do everything to vote for ODM, Raila and his team in large numbers.

    We can execrise our rights, be patriotic, show our resolve for regime, forego any luxuries and bring in fresh blood and thinking into into the leadership of this nation.

  6. tnk says:

    Lets be very clear on this. Kibaki will only retain commissioners friendly to PNU and appoint new ones friendly to PNU. At this stage of the game he has nothing to loose and does not care. Anyone harboring hopes of some kind of fair play in any appointment by the current head of state (Kibaki) is dreaming. Just forget it, it wont happen. Everyone must know that Kibaki is going flat out to skew the playing field to his advantage and the only one hope is for Kenyans to overwhelmingly vote against PNU and Kibaki and leave absolutely no room for error through marginal voting etc. We need to understand what they are capable of doing such as disenfranchise ODM voters through intimidation and fear, compromise voters with spoiling votes by buying voter cards or transporting foreign voters to the various constituencies. And finally creating stumbling blocks to the voting process such as missing or misplaced ballot boxes, and physical barriers such that voters are unable to reach polling stations.

    ODM supporters must form grassroot groups to escort each other to ensure that voters are safely able to reach polling stations and back. Or else ODM pentagon must meet with law enforcement to guarantee safety and mobilize rapid response units to affected areas within 15 minutes of incidences occuring.

    It is unbelievable, but the truth is Kibaki has turned out to be a worse rigger than either Kenyatta or Moi could try to be and its now time for extra vigilance by ODM supporters. Even genuine issue oriented PNU supporters will see the glaring skewing of resources. Only sycophants will see this as strategy (remember the saga of Maanzo and co when holding the secret weapon against Raila and the rest). Its all the dirty phase of politics kicking in. Brace yourselves, it will get worse.

    Kibaki is no longer interested in playing fair , attempting to play fair or even trying to be seen as being fair. It just does not matter, each and any resource that is within his disposal or prerogative as many like to put it, will be utilised to the full extent and more. Expect nothing less.

  7. shaqmaya says:

    No transportation of votes, votes must be counted in all poll stations in front of ODM agents and the press and announced immediately to the people and the press.

  8. Daroso says:

    With the PNU friendly ECK comissioners, ODM needs to monitor vigilantly the polling stations in central province come election day.Also use your inteligent sources to keep you updated with their rigging startegy .Scream out loud to Kenyans.
    Otherwise if Moi was not able to defeat Kenyans in 2002, why should PNU and Kibaki ? Man the debes.

  9. Abdullah says:

    He has already appointed PNU commissioners. This is what we should do:
    1.Tell Kenyans (bring back his statements in 1996/7) that Kibaki is a dictator and untrusworthy, of which he is. Use his own words and quote them extensively as was in 1997.
    2. Tell Kenyans that if Kibaki who is fighting for re-election can be such brutal and weird, how will he behave if he wins (God forbid). This makes us ODM brigade to spend sleepless nights as to how we can win.
    3. Tell Kenyans that Kibaki is a tribalist and has no mora authority to govern. Tell Kenyans that Kibaki is worse than Moi and he is indeed, after all, Moi accepted the IPPG formula.
    4. ODM brigade should work hard, harder than hard and hardly should sleep.
    5. All counting must be done at polling stations. There can no be transporting of the ballot boxes whatsoever. Where ODM may face hostile reception, we need to have many polling agents. At least, ODM candidates in such constituencies should recruit hardcore agents who are vigil, warlike and also prudent.
    6. Minimise the nomination fallout. His Excellency Raila should personally supervise this excersise and make the losers stay with ODM. He should promise them plum jobs, so that we hit the road and start campaigning. Be fair and only choose the popular, and the strong. If you choose someon who is not liked, he/she will cause MASSIVE voter apathy, and it is here that we better lose one person than losing 20,000 votes in one constituency. Nyanza should vote 110%. We are not joking here.
    7. Apart from Parliamentary nominees, work with elders and local people in every constituency. Women groups and youth as well.
    8. Don’t atgonise the commissioners. Simply hit hard at Kibaki and repeat his untrustworthiness at every stop. Have spies within the commission to see what’s being planned so that we can be aware if any rigging were to happen.

  10. tnk says:

    to add to Abdullah’s comments above

    Please note that in Each and Every major instance where a “gentlemans word of honor” or “honorable action” has been accepted or required as a basis for “president’s prerogative” has been dishonored by Kibaki in ways that shame even the most ignoble of us. There is just no shame or regret about it.

    The list is endless
    – MoU
    – Facts/Evidence as presented by Ethics PS John Githongo of gross misconduct by his appointees in cases of corruption
    – Electoral Commission Appointments
    – Gross misconduct by First Lady
    – Sacking of current ODM leaders
    – Sacking of Ngilu, Koech
    – Reinstating Mwiraria
    – denial of his own family
    – regional and ethnic balance in key appointments

    This man is no gentleman, cannot keep a promise made on gentleman’s honor, but is now going round the country making promises that he will supposedly deliver on gentlemans honor. I trust and pray that Kenyans are wiser than this. It is no wonder that he claims ODM cannot deliver on their promises, because he mistakenly believes everyone else is just as deceitful.

    In each of these (and these are only some of the ones that make it to the limelight) everyday we have sat through agonizing moments quietly hoping he’d come up with some wise and honorable decision. Anything to redeem our hope in the man and our dream and make it less obvious, but every time he surprises even more with the blatant abuse of authority.

    Kenyans hoped because no-one can really admit that we have tragically underestimated the extent of the deceitfulness and treachery of Kibaki and his cohorts. Lets be clear his cohorts are neither Mt Kenya or Central province. Its a just a few bossom buddies, almost everyone else is a pawn and these deceitful group is preying on the sympathy of central province not wanting to lose out on leadership and conspirators in other areas whose only agenda is to share in the spoils or keep ill gotten wealth.

    This man and his PNU team must be brought to a complete and final halt. ODM supporters must try and stop tagging along anticipating handouts and lining up the roads and stadiums. Its time for Kenyans to bring back honor and decency to our lives. Two wrongs do not make a right, we do not have to deceive these people to get handouts.

  11. mutisya says:

    as we expected he did put his old friends as commissioners and this show how he is ready to rigthe election, everyone now has to watch out till the last day of the election results so that we do have rigging, we shoul;d alert all our ODM fans to be on the look out no sleeping ,

  12. Okombo Polycarp says:

    He just confirmed my worst fears and I forsee him appointing Kihara muttu as the ECK Chairman to replace Kivuitu and then since he knows we’ll win Muttu will retreat to his Nyeri Home and refuse to announce the results. Im ready to face them even if it means death since the poverty and their poor Governance including political patronage where resources only go to their areas and their greed, arrogance and tribal grouping is killing us slowly but painfully. I urge all to wait and be ready

  13. Walter says:

    ODMers,lets not burn calories over the fair playing field because the Othaya man is not gonna yield ,it’s a do or die for the man and his like minded supporters.Therefore ,what do we need to do simple mobilise for the polling day ,for us long as ODMers vote enmasse no matter how skewed the ECK is constituted it would not help the guy much,we just have to put our eyes on the “ball”no blinking and BINGO!MOI was the professor of politics 2002 but what happened no amount of rigging helped the poor guy,massive turnout .
    No xmas The Mzee must be sent to Othaya .

  14. dennis k says:

    the kenyan electorate has come of age and any such move would be ill-advised on the governments part. it would, to the voter, be a clear indicator of the governments intention to use unfair means to rig the election in their favour.i, as an odm supporter would welcome it for it would be a fatal mistake for p.n.u. how u ask? when and if that happens, my advice to odm leadership and supporters to come out and roundly criticize the government for it.. the argument should be.. why would be that these appointments are a clear admition of defeat on the governments part.any government certain of a win wouldnt employ such underhand tactics but would instead involve all stake-holders in the appointments of new commissioners. this would secure odm the sympathy vote and the vote of the undecided. odm.. play your cards right and this will work in your favour.

  15. Murage says:

    Talk about the government plans to rig the elections in every campaign stop and ask churches and activists to pressure the government to agree to some sets of ground rules.

    No transporting of ballots. They should all be counted in the polling stations in the presence of representatives from all parties. Don’t threaten a boycott, people don’t take that seriously anymore and it makes ODM sound like a bunch of cry babies.

    Have a set of clearly spelt-out reasonable demands at least one month before the election and push for it.

    On other subjects:

    Keep your message to the wananchi simple. If you find yourself having to explain, then find another way of saying it.

    Use common words. Instead of Ufukara, use umaskini. Instead of asili mia just say percent. Most Kenyans understand what percent means. But generally avoid those technical subjects.

    Remember to KISS (Keep It Simple Sir)

  16. Jagero says:

    Two things come out clearly from Kibakis action, the issue of trust, this needs be laid out bare to the kenyan people quoting all the areas where he has misserably failed on the issue of trust and then ask how you can possibly trust him to deliver anything pledged to the electorate. ODM members of the former NARC govt. can take credit for anything positive from the NARC govt. including vission 2030 authored by Prof Nyongo who apparently is a fool according to Kimunya and PNU.

    Everybody need to be at the polling areas at least a week to the polls. Please those who have means give transport to whoever is travelling if they have a voters card for upcountry

    Engage the ECK in making sure that the polls are free and fair, talk about previous rigging methods like lack of ballot papers in some areas, transportation of ballot pappers for certain areas to the wrong areas.

    There is need to involve as many peopple as possible even in the PNU strongholds and everybody needs to remain in the polling station untill all the votes are counted tallied and the official results announced. Those results will then be forwarded to the varous ODM central units for tallying.

    Just make it imposible for the ECK to rig for Kibaki

  17. Chepkwony(Kericho) says:

    We are witnessing rogue behavior inherent in untrustworthy leaders. We should strategize to ensure that all their scheming is brought to nothing. ODM election board should quickly assemble sharp observers/agents and train them on all possible tricks of rigging an election(e.g. voters bringing already marked ballot papers, confusion in election register, missing names, etc.) We need extremely intelligent people who are able to make quick decisions on the ground as voting is going on. From next week,let all ODMers check their names with ECK register to ascertain that their names are contained in the register and are crrectly spelt.
    I aslo request ODM team to purchase soft copy of the ECK voter’s register to enable us make quick counterchecking that day in case of foul play.

    Finally, let us realize that we are dealing with people who have purposed to retain power by all means. I ask all ODMers to do the following three important things every day till polling day:
    1. PRAY
    2. PRAY
    3. PRAY

  18. Stephen Were says:


    Kibaki should be reminded (if at all hes forgotten) of what forced Moi’s hand into the IPPG deal. It was not whether or not Moi acted within the contituion, but the country had gone mad and was on the verge of civil strife, demonstrations, looting, shootings, etc were all over. Arrogantly appointing his friends to the ECK without consulting other players is being contemptous towards other Kenyans.

    The country can still slide back to those mad days because Kenyans did not give up their rights once they elected Kibaki president. Remember, rights are never about the constituition.

    He should also be reminded that unlike Moi who lives but has not been asked to answer for his crimes, if the country slides back there, his (Kibaki’s) case may be different.

    Mr. president, make no mistakes, stop dreaming you will hang onto power!!!

  19. Sam Ochola says:

    The sheer presence & involvement of ODM’ers will make it hard to rig in our zones. However extra vigilance must be mounted in PNU strongholds ie Mt Kenya East & Central to ensure they don’t inflate voter turn-out. Moi did it in RV against opposition in the 90’s and we should watch out. Remember the masses will not be on our side in PNU zones; our candidates/agents could be isolated & out numbered in counting halls thus vulnerable to intimidation. ODM must counter this scale by effective reinforcement of observers & agents in mount Kenya region. Even if we can’t win in these areas, we could recruit effective man-power to keep an eagle eye. Remember if PNU could rig & exaggerate the turn-out in those two provinces to say 90% average, they win the presidency albeit loosing virtually all six other regions.
    Therefore MOBELIZE High TURN-OUT in the rest of Kenya whille keeping WATCH for tampered returns from Central Kenya.

  20. tnk says:

    Allow me to digress a little.

    I do not believe Central is going to vote wholesale for Kibaki as PNU wants us to believe. When we look back we realise we have a lot of good friends we’ve made over the years without considering which part of the country they are from, although we may know exactly which village they are from. And like Raila says, in 2002 we thought we had finally killed this tribal monster. But Kibaki during his tenure and lately his campaign team have turned back the wheel of time and once again created tribal animosity where it had been crushed. Kalonzo has compunded the problem by further alienating the Eastern province from the rest of Kenya.

    I recall events such as tragedies like terrorist bombs, train derailment, ferry accidents on the one hand and in happier times international sporting events such as football, olympics, marathon etc where Kenyans in all sorts of social space irrespective of rank and tribal affiliation have worked together in harmony to support the injured, or cheer our sportsmen/women or favorite teams and discussed merits or demerits of each of the major local and international issues or concerns.

    Sadly we now look at guys from central with suspicion even if they are genuine ODM supporters. I think we need to stop condemning wholesale Central voters and give them a chance to do the unimaginable. Even as Kibaki and PNU try to rig elections in ODM strongholds, let them get the shock of their lives and a taste of their own medicine when Central kenya voters rise up against foolishness and vote solidly against these leaders. THese PNU leaders are extremely callous and arrogant, uncoordinated and disorganized in their campaigns as seen when they make public statements made but are contradicted in action, who go shouting that economy has improved but everyone is still hurting from very high living standards as basic commodity prices sky rocket, we are still hurting from poor infrastructure, corruption still a problem and all these problems are affecting all kenyans in all provinces. Kenyans are not fools and I certainly know Central Kenya is no exception. Let them truly evaluate what is up ahead and make informed decision. We have seen a lot of excellent contributions from ODM supporters in this forum from Kenyans everywhere and we as ODM supporters should rise above this attempt by PNU to balkanize Kenyans along tribal lines and remain committed to ensuring ODM wins and also embrace those strong enough to rise above the tribal carrot being dangled by PNU. True we must be wary because a few are already blindly following a lost cause and may cause confusion within ODM but I believe there is a silent and strong majority who know and understand what ODM stands for but find it hard to fit in. Let Kibaki suddenly find the crushing blow to remove him from power will be delivered from his homebase because the truth is HE HAS NOT DELIVERED ON THE PROMISES made in 2002 and it is there for all to see. It is no use talking about other issues.

    When you send someone with your money to buy a shamba, and the person tells you they have got you a computer instead. And even then, the technology is shrouded in mystical explanations and use that cannot address your current problems. One word for that is CONMAN. A person that makes a promise when he knows fully well that he never intended to keep the promise is also a CONMAN. It just doesn’t add up, how can you possibly trust that this person has now changed when he comes back to ask for more money to go back and buy the shamba, he does not even try to apologise or acknowledge that he made a mistake. Are we really that gullible, do we really believe he will deliver? At least Pattni has made a fair attempt to show change by getting saved and being called Paul. Come on people. Lets call a spade a spade and not a big spoon. Calling on all upright thinking Kenyans in Central to cast their vote to remove these people who “Eat and Dine alone in lofty places” but when the chips are down, suddenly remember their roots.

  21. Morara says:

    The visit to Meru seems to have borne fruit in spite of the violence. According to the latest Infotrack Harris poll Raila’s support in Meru Central has jumped to 32%. This shows that with vigorous campaiging we can improve our performance in current government strongholds. I suggest enhanced grassroots work to be done to follow up on the success from recent rallies. Special attention should be paid to Meru and Embu areas as there is a chance for ODM to have a very good showing in those areas.

  22. Ben Josiah says:

    This is a must do. We will leave our offices and take part.

    1.ODM to mobilze 1million protest match with Banners and trumpte sounds live in the air, with clear banners telling Kibaki to stop this vote register manipulation.
    2. This be done in all major Towns . Nairobi/Kisumu/Kakamega/Busia/Kericho/Mombasa/Garissa/Nukuru
    3. Pentagon members to lead each demonstartionin respective areas. With H.E Agwambo to take charge of Nairobi. Shikuku/Orengo/Balala/Ruto/Magara must be involved.
    4. Kibaki be categorically told that if no assurance and involvement of opposition in selecting the commissioners, then the General election will only take place in Central province.
    5. Livondo to be estopped from accessing Kibera.

    All these protests be climaxed at given place where the president is served with list of demands.

  23. Duncan says:

    so we are a few months from the general elections.Government friendly commisioners have been picked.thats fine.we must now take the fight to the grassroots.ODM has an existing secretariat with coordinators down to the grassroots.The first thing we must do is shout that rigging is taking place.
    the next thing to do is to ensure that the final voters roll goes down to the grassroots.It would be preffered to take all 210 constituency rolls to every constituency in one way or the other,due to the migratory tendencies of voters.this will be of help especially to those who will be travelling and cannot go to check their voter elligibility.this will also make grassroot visibilty of the odm stronger and pose the threat that it is.It will also make mwananchi much more vigilant.this would ensure that very few supporters will be left out of the process.An avenue to make use of could be the youth for Raila group and other preferred lobby groups.
    This will counter double registration and voter displacement very early in the game.
    come election period proper,the voters will be waiting and since the rigging plan through double or displacemnt of voters will have been nipped in the bud,the only thing PNU and its puppets can do would be to import actual votes kanu style.But that will be put t o acheck by the various party agents and odm voters during the voting and counting period.This will surely send the geriatrics packing into the sunset!!!!

  24. mkenyadamu says:

    Every right thinking kenyan who has registerd to vote should verify the authenticity of their votership and report any anomalies to ODM , we need records that we will use as evidence in the event that we go to court to challange this sham election.

  25. Nicholas says:

    Use the civil society to shout out that the appts are indeed a pre-requisite to an unfair elections. What kenyans and ODM supporters need to do is a very very high voter turn-out never experienced in the history of Kenya and the whole world at least a range of 2million votes woul be a convincing and safe victory for us.

  26. Omamo Ogola says:

    It is now obvious that Kibaki has done exactly that, retaining PNU friendly Commissioners while replacing the neutral ones with his cronies. There is so far nothing much we can do to reverse this unfortunate situation. The only option left for us is to campaign extensively for ODM and Raila Odinga to win. It will be a win for all of us, our forefathers, our parents, our children, and for the future generation if ODM wins and Raila is installed as the countries 4th president.
    Let’s all mobilize ODM supporters everywhere to go and vote creating voter awareness to those who may note know the need to vote. We have to make sure that all registered voters in all constituencies where we have massive support eventually vote on the Election Day. This should not be a responsibility of an individual, but for all of us who wants change. For all of us are partners in this campaign, we share both gains and loses.
    Finally, just as in 2002 election and 2005 referendum, the votes should be counted and announced at the poling stations.

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